CS 7491 Spring 2004 Project 1

Nguyen Truong & Howard Zhou

Source: CurveCompression.zip


Project Description


Project Objective: To experiment on the compression and decompression of polygonal curves and using hausdorff distance to measure similarities between curves.


List of Modules

Modules Explanation
Normalization Express curve vertex coordinates in the range of zero to one.
Quantization Convert real coordinates in the range of zero to one to integer coordinates in the range of 0 to 2^b, where b is the number of bits given by the user (default 10)
Prediction Given vertices v(i), v(i+1), v(i+2), this function computes the integer coordinates for v(i+3) using the quadratic predictor: v(i+3) = v(i) + 3[v(i+2) - v(i+1)].  It then computes the residuals: the difference vector between the prediction and the actual coordinates.
Statistics Display compression statistics
Compression Compute the Huffman tree and codes for the residuals. Encode the codebook using binary tree. Encode the residuals.
Decompression Read the compressed file and reconstruct the Huffman tree. Decode the residuals and use them with the information contained in the header to computer the actual quantized curve.
Dequantization Converts the integer coordinates back to its real coordinates from zero to one  
Denormalization Convert the coordinates in the range from zero to one to original curve coordinates (with the min-max box obtained from the header)
Subdivision Subdivide the current curve using either B-spline, 4-point, or Jarek's subdivision method
Simplification Simplify the curve by using B-bit quantization and removing all vertices that are identical to their previous neighbor.
Hausdorff To compute the Hausdorff distance between two curves.  Sample one curve, then compare the distances between vertices on this curve against edges on the other.  The switch the curves.


Link to the source code: Curve doc, Compression doc
System: Windows, Visual Studio 6.0


Sources of inspiration:


Description of binary format


0.000000 -0.999965
10.000000 1.000000
10 10
0 1024
5 1023
10 1021
# of vertices in the curve
min X, min Y coordinates
max X, max Y coordinates
# of bits X, # of bits Y
compression scheme (0 for huffman)
vertex 0 x, y
vertex 1 x, y
vertex 2 x, y
# of data points to compress
# of symbols appeared
# of bits used to encode the huffman binary tree

How's the header encoded?
The header is compressed using the adaptive huffman encoding on normal ASCII character set

How's the codebook encoded?
The vocabulary of the code book is included in the header and compressed using the adaptive huffman encoding on ASCII character set. The structure of the codebook is encoded as a huffman binary tree (traversed in depth first order)



  • Input: A link to the input file in ASCII format, which contains the number of points in the first line and then two coordinates in [0, 1023] per line.
  • Compressed: A link to the compressed binary file using 10-bit quantization
  • B: corresponding half-diagonal error bound
  • N: # of vertices
  • L: Average edge length L
  • F: Total size F in bits of the compressed file
  • H%: proportion in % of the file size used for the header
  • E: Entropy E
  • Excess: (F-NE)/(NE)
  • HD: The Hausdorff error between the original and the simplified curve
  • HDB: The Hausdorff error between the original and the curve obtained by B-Spline subdivision of the simplified curve
  • HD4: The Hausdorff error between the original and the curve obtained by 4-point subdivision of the simplified curve
  • HDJ: The Hausdorff error between the original and the curve obtained by Jarek subdivision of the simplified curve
  picture input compressed B N L log2(L) F F/N H% E excess
1 c1 c1c 0.000753754 128 0.0267676 -5.22337 1096 8.5625 42.3358 2.2051 2.88305
2 c2 c2c 0.0693933 352 1.17983 0.238581 2152 6.11364 22.3048 2.21755 1.75694
3 c3 c3c 0.00202932 192 0.0604328 -4.04852 1432 7.45833 34.0782 2.23943 2.33046
4 c4 c4c 0.00654761 320 0.0969711 -3.3663 2200 6.875 23.2727 2.49895 1.75115
5 c5 c5c 0.00145135 256 0.0459533 -4.44369 1824 7.125 24.5614 2.5419 1.80303


Simplification and Error

curve 2:
bits picture input compressed B N L log2(L) F F/N H% E excess HD HDB HD4 HDJ
5 c2 c25sc 0.0693933 147 3.21423 1.68447 1128 7.67347 42.5532 1.9546 2.92586 3.96537 3.33859 4.01511 3.75644
6   c26sc 0.0693933 212 2.17404 1.12038 1552 7.32075 30.4124 2.28518 2.20358 1.86811 1.58166 1.89999 1.78198
7   c27sc 0.0693933 289 1.53073 0.614219 2008 6.9481 23.9044 2.36244 1.94107 1.03516 0.88165 1.04669 0.983156
8   c28sc 0.0693933 338 1.25048 0.322486 1976 5.84615 23.4818 2.08257 1.80719 0.493794 0.412394 0.493794 0.449386
9   c29sc 0.0693933 352 1.18568 0.245719 2288 6.5 20.6294 2.37361 1.73844 0.258593 0.245064 0.258593 0.252683

curve 4:
bits picture input compressed B N L log2(L) F F/N H% E excess HD HDB HD4 HDJ
5 c5 c55sc 0.00145135 222 0.0612834 -4.02836 1664 7.4955 27.8846 2.41251 2.10692 0.0872673 0.0851447 0.0932807 0.0909566
6   c56sc 0.00145135 251 0.0493258 -4.34151 1760 7.01195 26.8182 2.31831 2.0246 0.0433849 0.0413729 0.0457512 0.0445049
7   c57sc 0.00145135 255 0.0466396 -4.4223 1736 6.80784 27.1889 2.22666 2.05742 0.0215582 0.0197974 0.0224055 0.0216482
8   c58sc 0.00145135 256 0.046108 -4.43884 1760 6.875 25.9091 2.40525 1.85833 0.0106448 0.00957395 0.0107327 0.0103482
9   c59sc 0.00145135 256 0.0460165 -4.4417 1928 7.53125 23.2365 2.72464 1.76412 0.005605 0.00563043 0.005605 0.00556266




paper link


Last updated by Nguyen and Howard at 2004-02-04 03:56:03 -0500